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  • Writer's pictureJocelyn Moore

School gardens bloom in Nac

Original publication May 23, 2018 by Jocelyn Moore @ Horticulture is Awesome.

I have never seen more joy radiating from children than during their first carrot harvest. The green, frilly tops popping out of the earth give no indication that a familiar root awaits below.  Almost every time I've witnessed this scene, the child tugs and unearths their prize triumphantly, waving the carrot like a trophy above their head.  This story, amidst countless others unfolding weekly in our school gardens, is just one small example of how and why children are embracing fruits and vegetables.  With this level of engagement, it’s easy to see why garden-based, experiential learning is a powerful tool for teaching a wide range of subjects—from science and math to nutrition and behavior—all of which can be happily gained in the fresh outdoors of the garden.  

As a mother, gardener and outdoor educator for over fifteen years, my experiences have helped shape a vision I hold for the town I call home in rural East Texas. 

This vision involves children who understand where their food comes from, value their environment, and engage deeply in stimulating, hands-on learning.



3rd grade Garden Bud marvels in her first carrot harvest.

At first glance, the multitude of school gardens sprouting up around our country appears to be the latest trend in foodie culture.  But school gardens aren’t a fad.  Sure, we see a current upswing of interest; however, educators have long seen the value of children learning in the garden.  

Documented roots of school gardening date back as early as the 1840’s, as author Kate Burt explains “school gardens are a mainstay in the United States” in her article “A Complete History of the Social, Health, and Political Context of the School Gardening Movement in the United States: 1840–2014.



Recently, there has been an exciting movement growing in Nacogdoches.  If you haven’t heard about the horticultural happenings in our schoolyards, you are in for a treat of good news.  It has been a truly awesome experience to support the revitalization project at the TJR School Garden, spearheaded by two of the most amazing and dedicated volunteers I know, Jim and Kerry Lemon.  In 2015, the Lemons had a vision for the empty garden boxes sitting adjacent to the TJR soccer field.  With the support of volunteers from Resilient Nacogdoches and the Austin Heights Earth Care Ministry, the Lemons created a weekly garden program serving students during their elective time.  

The Lemon’s vision was fruitful and has inspired offshoots of over a dozen school and community gardens since their first season at 2016. 

Science teacher Mike Moore teaches about life cycles of a plant in the garden.

In 2017, then 3rd grade science teacher Mike Moore and I reclaimed the dormant beds at Carpenter Elementary and created an after school Gardening Club for 22 students.   Fredonia Elementary and Head Start have taken off with raised beds, offering weekly vegetable gardening lessons.  Brooks Quinn Jones Elementary recently received an education grant from Lowe’s.  They have hit the ground running, starting their first edible garden this spring and building an outdoor classroom, Class in the Grass.  At SFA Gardens, we have built a native edibles garden and playscape at the Pineywoods Native Plant Center, where we teach weekly gardening and culinary lessons to Boys and Girls Club students.

And more school and community garden sites sprout up each year!



2nd Grader at TJR is excited to try new vegetables at the end of the season Harvest Feast.

Garden-based learning is integrated and so are its benefits.   I have seen students who literally gag at the thought of eating kale on their first day of Garden Club who quickly become happy eaters of Every. Single. Thing. We. Grow.  And yes, I’m even talking about turnips and cauliflower!  Children witness the magic of tiny seeds that sprout bigger each week as they nurture their plants until they begin to recognize actual vegetables, so of course students are eager to eat the fruits of their labor.  Research shows this openness to trying new foods follows students outside of the garden with an increase of daily fruits and vegetable consumption.

Beyond improved eating habits and nutrition, children are expected to be team players and learn how to problem solve with their peers.  Garden Buds do meaningful work with real tools; their accomplishment is reflected in their boosted self-esteem.  Furthermore, children and adults alike benefit greatly from getting outside and moving throughout the day.



3rd FBI (Fungi, Bacteria and Invertebrate) Agents investigate the soil for organic and inorganic matter.

Students learn a myriad of topics with a hands-on approach.  Here are few of the 3rd Grade science standards enriched by garden-based education:

  • Life cycles

  • Decomposition

  • Weather

  • Parts of a plant

  • Soil and erosion

  • Temperature

  • Matter

  • Water cycle

A children’s garden is full of learning for all ages.  Volunteers and teachers often learn gardening skills right along with their students.  As a bonus, volunteers develop a resilient network that cares for each other and the needs of their community.



Many partnerships have been formed in the school gardening movement.  SFA student groups and interns have played an important role in supporting volunteer-powered programming. 

Nacogodches Naturally student enjoys hibiscus bloom at the SFA Gardens' Pineywoods Native Plant Center.

Kerry and Jim Lemon, in partnership with Resilient Nacogdoches and the Austin Heights Earth Care Ministry, have spearheaded many school gardens by modeling success at TJR and offering support and mentorship of new sites.

Shannon Morrison with Texans for Better Living at Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, assists in grants, workshops, consulting, and a myriad of culinary and gardening support! 

SFA Gardens provides trainings and educational resources for garden programs.

Rachel Payne, member of the Pineywoods Beekeepers Association, gives her time regularly as a special garden guest showing off bees in a mobile, handmade observation hive. 

Pineywoods Permaculture and Theron Beaudreau, holistic land consultant and teacher, lead workshops and service learning projects in the community about organic and holistic gardening methods.

The Healthy Nacogdoches Coalition helps to connect the community with luncheon meetings, including Nac Gardens Network committee meetings.  Join us!



How do we ensure that these gardens and children continue to flourish?  While gardeners add fertility to our beds each season to ensure future growth, how can Nacogdoches support the health and longevity of these budding programs?  According to researcher Heather Ohly, who has evaluated existing literature on school gardening programs, she cites that a “lack of funding and over reliance on volunteers” has been a hindrance to long-term viability of these programs…” We’ve seen first-hand in the short history of school gardening in Nacogdoches that teacher, volunteer, and grant-based programs evaporate once those key people are no longer involved. 

School gardening volunteers advocate for district-supported coordinator positions at the elementary, middle and high school levels to guarantee longevity of garden-based education.

There’s plenty of research that illustrates the power in garden-based learning: improved nutrition, physical activity, behavior and academic outcomes. But nothing beats seeing it before your own eyes.  If you’d like to support the ongoing efforts of the Nac Gardens Alliance by volunteering, fundraising, and/or connecting with city officials, please email us at  We also host seasonal work parties: a great way to get exercise, meet new folks, learn something new and serve your community!

To see more photos and inspiration, check out a presentation I shared with the Healthy Nacogdoches Coalition.





Resilient Nacogdoches

Pineywoods Permaculture

SFA Gardens

Healthy Nacogdoches Coalition

Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

Austin Heights Baptist Church Earth Care Ministry

SFA Phi Delta Theta

SFA TEAM (The Environmental Awareness Movement)

Pine Garden Club

Lowe's Toolbox for Education



Full, topical bibliography compiled by Emory University graduate student and Nacogdoches School Garden Alliance volunteer Jordan Johnson.

Burt, Kate Gardner. “A Complete History of the Social, Health, and Political Context of the School Gardening Movement in the United States: 1840–2014.” Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. Vol. 11, No. 3. 2016

Berezowitz, Claire K. et al. “School Gardens Enhance Academic Performance and Dietary Outcomes in Children.”Journal of School Health. Vol. 85, No. 8. August 2015

Louv, Richard. “Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder.” 2005

Ohly, Heather et al. “A systematic review of the health and well-being impacts of school gardening: synthesis of quantitative and qualitative evidence.” BMC Public Health. Vol. 16, No. 286. 2016

Berezowitz, Claire K. et al. “School Gardens Enhance Academic Performance and Dietary Outcomes in Children.”Journal of School Health. Vol. 85, No. 8. August 2015

Louv, Richard. “Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder.” 2005

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